Leading Authority in Aerosolized Product Testing

McKinney Specialty Labs is an innovative scientific organization that draws upon decades of extensive expertise in testing nicotine and other aerosolized products. The company was established to meet the growing demand for reliable, expert, and comprehensive testing solutions within the rapidly evolving and regulated inhalable product industries.
We employ subject matter experts with extensive scientific knowledge, utilize robust and validated analytical methods, and offer testing flexibility to meet the diverse needs of our clients. We have the knowledge and capability to test a range of product matrices. Our distinguishing expertise is testing consumer products that are designed to be inhaled.
McKinney Specialty Labs is dedicated to providing the highest quality testing services. The lab is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and adheres to the strictest quality standards.

Testing Services
McKinney Specialty Labs provides a wide range of testing and consulting services to ensure that product quality and performance are maintained throughout the lifecycle of the product:
Chemical Analysis:
Comprehensive analytical testing methods to characterize the chemical composition of products and product aerosols, including nicotine content, impurities and degradants.
Physical Testing:
Characterization of physical properties of product aerosols, such as particle size distribution and aerosol output
Microbiological Testing:
An array of microbiological testing methods to ensure the safety, purity and stability of products.
Toxicology Testing:
In vitro assay testing of products and product aerosols to assess the potential biological activity.
Regulatory Compliance:
Regulatory expertise to assist clients in meeting regulatory requirements for product acceptability and quality.