Ignition Propensity

McKinney Specialty Labs is a leader in Fire Safe Cigarette (FSC) testing for lower ignition propensity (LIP/ IP). With a dedicated 2,000 square feet LIP laboratory space, we can run up to 50 individual SKUs per week.
All testing is accredited by A2LA and meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM Method E2187-09, “Standard Test Method for Measuring the Ignition Strength of Cigarettes” and ISO Standard 12863 “Standard Test Method for Assessing the Ignition Propensity of Cigarettes.”
Testing Details
LIP testing is conducted on 10 layers of filter paper with 40 replicates (cigarettes) per SKU. An evaluation of “PASS” indicates the samples meet a performance standard where no more than 25% of the cigarettes tested exhibit full length burns. A certificate of analysis is provided for all samples rated as a “PASS” that is suitable for direct submission to national and state authorities.