Key Insights from FDLI’s Tobacco and Nicotine Product Regulatory Science Symposium
Our team recently attended FDLI’s virtual Tobacco and Nicotine Product Regulatory Science Symposium to discuss the important role public health research and regulation play in helping reduce tobacco-related disease and nicotine addiction.
Best Practices for Nicotine Pouch Testing
As the tobacco industry continues to evolve, regulations have become more stringent, requiring manufacturers to provide comprehensive data on their products' safety and efficacy. Here are some tips to ensure the success of your smokeless tobacco testing.
Understanding HPHCs in Tobacco Products and Tobacco Smoke
Discover the importance of HPHC testing in tobacco product regulation. Learn how it helps protect public health, informs consumers, and develops effective reduced-harm strategies in our blog.
FSC Part 1: The Evolution of Fire-Safe Cigarettes: From Tragedy to Triumph
McKinney Specialty Labs offers a range of test methods for the collection and analysis of harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) in mainstream smoke, sidestream smoke, and tobacco filler.
FSC Part 2: Understanding FSC (Fire Standards Compliance) Standards
At McKinney Specialty Labs, we develop in-house methods based on request and industry needs. Read more about our developed methods which are validated in accordance with the following guidelines and regulations.
Case Study: Overcoming Regulatory Hurdles: FDA Deficiency Letter Response
Read this case study about our latest endeavor to assist a client who has been issued a deficiency letter by the FDA, specifying the necessary actions for additional testing.